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Mẫu này mình đã kháng cáo thành công vài lần nhưng có nhiều lần không được share cho các bạn dùng thử “Hi admin Youtube, I have received com...

Mẫu này mình đã kháng cáo thành công vài lần nhưng có nhiều lần không được share cho các bạn dùng thử
“Hi admin Youtube,
I have received complaints about the video “Tên video đã die, links video “ violates community guidelines Youtube.
My whole Youtube account “Tên kênh” was suspended due to some videos that was flagged for spam, scam, and commercially deceptive content, and I have reviewed the community guidelines and I don’t see how my video violates them in any way.
I could not agree with the reason for this penatly was because the video was allegedly flagged for spam, scam, and commercially deceptive which violates Youtube’s Community Guidelines. These are the following reasons I don’t agree with the penatly:
1. Videos do not have the pornographic images, videos do not tend to be violent, or stimulate others to do violence. My video is no shocking images or splash. Video of me no offensive images or racist.
2. I set the default thumbnail of video you upload.
3. I do not repeated many times in the tag keywords and description tags.
4. I believe my video was flagged by one individual or one group of certain fixed assets destructive of me.
We wish Youtube – google reconsider my case, and have a better resolution.
Sincere thanks!



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